I Do What I Can

Welcome, friends! 

In the years since Noah’s passing, my life has taken many unexpected
twists and turns, the happiest of which and most comforting is writing
poetry and songs, which for the most part reflect my ongoing adventure
 of finding solace and joy in nature, art, and spiritual liberty.

Mother HyPonja and Friends, Live!
is a collection of poems and songs that have
been directly inspired by my family, friends, and artists, to whom I owe an
insurmountable debt of gratitude for their constant gifts of inspiration.

Mother HyPonja and Friends: LIVE!
October 18 at Ellijay Playhouse


by: Mother HyPonja

When my arms are laden with glory’s gladiola,
I feel I am floating in a buoyant gondola,
The gondolier singing a tender story of the open sea,
And there is nowhere in the whole world, my heart would rather be.

Dedication: A Still Life
by: Mother HyPonja
A still life is luscious and infinitely deep,
Like ripe blueberries, juicy and sweet,
With heavenly colors to entice the eye,
It delivers the sun from the summer sky.
And blessed am I to receive such treasure,
To let it show me such a happy measure,
That I too am gathered into the light,
By the hand of the one who made it bright.


Musing Beside Ticklebug Creek (First Poem)

By: Mother HyPonja
Photo by: Rick

The butterfly writes across the sky.
The poet writes of the butterfly.
The sun shines and rain falls from above,
Then, comes the rainbow, sharing God’s love.
So, buzzing bees tickling the ears,
Hint of the sweetness in dusty tears.
The heart has pages meant for turning,
From cold despair to fiercest burning.
One sun circles, withdrawing its light,
To allow the stars to prick the night.
Awaken the muse; dance ‘round the flame,
Embracing blessing and honoring pain.


Happy Birthday!
Photo by: Rick

Once upon a time not so very long ago, you were born;
In the image and likeness of the majesty, you were formed.
You might have arrived beneath the twinkling stars of darkest night,
Or at a high noontide, on a summer’s day of scorching light.
It doesn’t matter exactly, the circumstance or weather;
But it’s important you take a moment to simply remember,
That you have a birthday and, well, it’s really so like Christmas,
For it’s the first moment I found you and made you my witness,
To the amazingly, glorious adventure of living,  
Within the joyous nature of grace my love’s always giving.
So, rise and shine, pop out your wings, ready to soar and explore,
For I’ve prepared a little garden, I know you will adore.


Morning Song
by: Camille and Mother HyPonja
with an afterword by: Papa Thunder

God loves the little chickens, bless my soul, so do I;
And I know they love me too because we see eye to eye.
So, early in the morning, when the light is breaking free,
I feed them scratch and crumbles and they share their eggs with me.

Cockadoodle doodle doo, Cockadoodle doodle dee,
I love the little chickens much as God loves me.

I was made to care for them; and I’m glad they’re here for me.
We like to walk together and see all we can see.
A world so full of glory and so many blessings too,
All we really have to say is, “Cockadoodle doodle doo.”

Cockadoodle doodle doo, Cockadoodle doodle dee,
I love the little chickens much as God loves me.
I’m glad God loves us chickens, cockadoodle doodle deee!


Rebecca Talks to the Birds
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Photo by: Rebecca Griggs

Mama, I know you love blue eggs, but then again, so do I.
Yet, whenever I see them in your nest, I back up and tiptoe by;
And though we are passing strangers, I would protect them with my life,
Blessing them with all my soul, as a treasure from the Lord of light.
Yea, I will watch over them, like a mighty angel in the sky,
Praying their wings grow strong, that someday they will fly;
For though they are not mine, I want them to be free,
To slip away from the bonds of earth, just like you and me.
Then, when they soar away, our hearts will go with them too,
And we’ll all live forever, in the wild, shiny blue.

Your Heart Will Teach You to Fly
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Photo by: Susan and Jeff of E House

Go right at the silver river of dreams.
Follow a butterfly through the clouds.
Let the sunshine give you a pair of wings.
Sing the song of the day free and loud.
Let the updraft carry you where it will,
and float gently along in the breeze.
A beautiful world is waiting for you,
overhead in the welcoming trees.
Feel the light in your spirit.
Keep your eyes to the sky.
When you get to the top of the morning,
your heart will teach you to fly.
Then, someday you’ll get where you’re going,
And you’ll fashion a warm, little nest,
Where your babies are born into freedom,
and the sun will take care of the rest.

I Am a Child of a Child
By: Mother HyPonja, and Henry David Thoreau
Photo by: Abbie Reece Cagle

I went to the woods because I wanted to be free,
To release the anguish deep inside of me,
To live beyond the parameter of the downtrodden and the blessed,
To break the heavy chains of the oppressor and the oppressed;
To live life like a butterfly, blown off course by a storm,
Awakening in Eden, pristine and warm.
Then, fluttering quietly awhile, and leaving no trace behind,
But a little flash of color disappearing in the shine,
I’ll live and die by the truth of simple beauty and love,
Wherein, each sunny moment is more than enough.

For the Very First Time
By: Mother HyPonja
Painted by: Camille

When you gave me your heart, I opened mine,
I felt like I was seeing for the very first time;
Then, we hopped along together through the dappled sunlight,
Until the wind came along and lifted you in flight;
And though you went your own way, and I went mine,
I still feel like I’m living for the very first time,
For now I hear you calling, from a high poplar tree,
To remind my heart and soul, I too am born free;
And though the day soon will call me to struggle and strive,
I will remember seeing you and being glad to be alive.

These Are the Times…
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Photo by: Abbie Reece Cagle

These are the times which try a bird’s resolve.
I’m so wet, I think my feathers might dissolve.
Even the clover are hanging their frizzy heads down,
And the worms are hiding, nowhere to be found;
But I will remember what Mother Bird always said,
“Be happy any day you can fly from your bed!
Take a deep breath and think of bright sunny things;
And always remember, you were born to sing!”

Point My Heart to Home
Photo by: Abbie Reece Cagle

Lord, put a shiny vision, deep inside of me.
Let me hear you whisper when I can’t seem to see.
Don’t let my feet go wand’ring, far from you alone,
And wherever you find me, point my heart to home.

Be with me right now Lord, I’m feeling so alone,
Won’t you come and find me and point my heart to home.

Lord, it’s not so easy on a dark, cloudy day,
To see where I am going and follow in your way.
And when I lose the spirit and it seems like I’m blind,
Shine down on me like sunrise, and show me a sign.

Be with me right now Lord, I’m feeling so alone,
Won’t you come and find me and point my heart to home.

Lord hear me when I’m praying, for your touch of grace,
Let me feel your comfort like morning on my face.
Make the clouds disappear and then my heart will see,
You’ve re always been right here, watching over me.

Be with me right now Lord, I’m feeling so alone,
Won’t you come and find me and point my heart to home.
Lord, please come quickly and point my heart to home.


A Shell to Mark the Spot

By: Mother HyPonja
Photo by: Abbie Reece Cagle

Oh, let us be castaway in waves which shimmer and gleam,
Abandoned to the up-surging riptide of our dreams.
Let us be the treasure of luminescence, captured by the sun,
Flowing to and from the source, where the world was begun;
And even as we kneel and write our lives with trembling hands,
Let the wind and rain erase our message in the sand.
Then, the world as we know it will not hold us where we are,
For we will finally surrender and let down our guard,
So far from the citadel, with its myriad, shining stars;
Yet, where is love to be found, if it be not in our hearts?

The First Child of Light
By: Mother HyPonja,
Photo by: Russ Hoek

The heart of the waterfall, holds up the first child of light,
Just to show it to me and make my heart feel bright;
Then, as I lean to give it a kiss, I feel the baby anointing me;
And, I turn away and begin to climb the first mountain I see.
Yea, I’m reaching for the summit, to return the gift to the sky,
To let my soul be magnified by the wind passing by;
And I feel the great sun using me, to make the world feel warm and bright,
As my heart rises up remembering, I am a child of light.

All for Love
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Photo by: Joshua Chastain
Afterword by: Papa Thunder

With my arms and legs and soul, I reach out to the mountain line,
And the day washes me in gold, as I pause a moment in the shine,
To let myself be cleansed by the immensity of the sight,
And without a moment of hesitation, I offer my heart to the light.
Then, I am betrothed like the green mountains, reaching to the sky,
Completely exposed, before my true lover’s eye.
Then, naked as I came, though I must roll onward to the valley below,
I’ll keep my vision on the mountain line and let my spirit grow.

Your Word Is a Fountain, performed by: Barefoot Boone
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
With a photo from: Ticklebug Creek

I hear you in the wind and singing with the birds,
A voice softly moving in ev’ry loving word.
Like a whisper of air beneath a butterfly,
Your sweetness is calling in ev’ry little sigh.

So, I’m praising the morning for bringing new life,
I’m blessing the swiftness of the honeybee’s flight.
And I’m thanking you Lord for the light flowing free,
Your word is a fountain, pouring sunshine on me.

A pure, silver mirror, water shining and clear,
Shimmers in stillness as your presence draws near,
True, faithful expression, as simple as can be,
Like the sun calling leaves from the branch of a tree.

The verse and the chorus of the crickets and frogs,
Are as dear to my heart as the first touch of dawn.
No need to go roaming seeking peace for my soul;
When I’m feeling you with me wherever I go.

So, I’m praising the morning for bringing new life,
I’m blessing the swiftness of the honeybee’s flight.
And I’m thanking you Lord for the light flowing free,
Your word is a fountain pouring sunshine on me.

Walking in Sunshine
By: Mother HyPonja
Photo by: Samantha Collins

I am guided by the light of angels who have traveled from afar,
Just to fill my eyes and crown my mind with sparkles from the stars.
Then, to help me fathom the depths of the boundless ocean in my heart,
They lead me to places of beauty, where the sun will make its mark.
Day by day and year by year, higher and higher, louder and clear,
A heavenly tide in my ear… and I rejoice to feel them near;
And if I’m but a bit of dreamy dross, tossed upon the shore,
Yet will I follow the angels who show me, there is so much to adore.

The Sacred Flame
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
A Photo from Ticklebug Creek

With no clever message,
We know how to give,
To shine into darkness,
And simply to live,
Share bread with the hungry,
And hope with the poor,
Sweet love to the lonely,
Keep open the door,
Giving our first gifts for love,
And thereby blessing the light,
We render bright spirit,
Like wax in the night.

Deep in the Okefenokee
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Photo by: Sherry Smith Walker

Mother, stay in the water and don’t you move an inch,
And I will try my very best not to even flinch;
But standing right in front me is one of those pre-historic beasts,
And it looks to be sizing me up and planning for a feast.
So, while you slip off, I’ll smile and try to hold it at bay,
And when I know you’re clear, I’ll do my best to get away.
Then, we’ll strike off in a new direction and find us a brand new place,
Deep in the Okefenokee, where our young’uns can be safe.


Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Photo by: Abbie Reece Cagle
Afterword by: Papa Thunder

Oh, Chi-ip! Where are you?
I’ve found a sip of morning dew,
And a little patch of grass,
And some clover flowers too!
So, come on out now Buddy,
You don’t want to be late.
Day’s a’wasting -
It’s time to celebrate!


Happy Thanksgiving Pilgrim
By: Mother HyPonja
Photo by:  Abbie Reece Cagle

True child of adventure, brave pilgrim of God,
In your face I can see the long way you have trod.
Yet, each crease and wrinkle foretells a warm smile,
Your eyes shining with the memory of so many miles.
Though your soles are worn smooth by the rough terrain,
And your garment is faded by the heat and rain,
An aura surrounds you like a treasured breath of wind,
And as you pass near me, a warm vision begins.
Then, my heart awakens to the gift of this day,
For like you, I’m a pilgrim still finding my way.

Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Photo by: David Settel

Wrap my spirit in your warm mantle,
Rock me to sleep by the stars up above.
Carry me off to my mansion in heaven,
On the wings of a soft, downy dove.
Take me away to the land of plenty,
Where everyone has more than enough;
And forever, we’ll live as best friends,
In the high meadow of eternal love.


Brother Boo Visits Jan
By: Mother HyPonja
Photo by: Jan Kornegay Dappen

The crows and squirrels are chattering at his coming,
The air seems to fill with excited humming.
A dark shadow dances across a clear, burping pool,
As he dips a sloppy snout into the deep, sweet cool.
The big, black bear stomping, his giant thunder rumbles;
As through wildly flowered fields of butterflies, he grumbles,
Meteoric’ly scattering, black crows and blue butterflies,
Crashing down tall, green grasses - just lumbering by.
Stretching against rough bark, he scratches his tummy and then his back,
In the Eden of my yard, there is nothing for which he lacks.
Stirring up tornadic storms of brilliant gold and yellow dust,
He digs for his supper beneath the richly browned crust,
Opening avenues of wonder for all the little buzzers and creepers;
The trail of Brother Bear is loved by all us tiny peepers.


Seek and Ye Shall Find
By: Mother HyPonja
Photo by: Abbie Reece Cagle

How now brown cow, your gentle nature is showing,
Above your sweet head and ears, a halo is glowing;
As I come to the fence, no love is lost between you and I,
For as the day is our witness, we see forever, eye to eye.


My Little Moo
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Painted by: Jan Kornegay Dappen

I may have wandered a little close to the fence.
I was following a butterfly’s my only defense;
But now that we’re here and we’re seeing eye to eye,
We can chew the cud together where the earth meets the sky!
Yes, let us spend this moment, wishing each other well,
You observing, and me, swishing tail;
And perhaps we can encourage the whole world too,
You with your paint brush and me with my little MOOOOOO!


Look into My Eye!
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Photo by: Abbie Reece Cagle

Look into my eye, true love will never die,
For it shines like a star, wherever you are.
It melts away the shadows and makes your heart bright,
So you’ll always remember you are a child of light;
And though some days you have to wait for the clouds to pass,
You know the sun’s coming back, to show you some grass.
So listen closely now: True love will always live,
For beauty which once was, now and forever-ever is.


Outstanding in their Field
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Painted by: Camille

Gathering together, we receive
the blessing of a bright, new day.

We lift our heads and swish our tails,
slowly rambling over the way.

Sharing sweet remembrances, as we
tramp through the softly swaying grass,

Our voices mooing as one in the
sweet hollow of a mountain pass.

P.S.  Why do artists so adore cows?


The Roundabout
By: Mother HyPonja and Camille

In the heart of town, there’s a roundabout where the birds sing at dawn,
And a furling flag is keeping time with the rhythm of the song.
In the summer there’s a fountain; in the winter a Christmas tree,
Sometimes I go there for a while when I simply need to breathe.

There’s a roundabout in my home town; it’s a great place to start,
And no matter where I’m going, I feel it moving in my heart.

I’ll sit on a bench quietly; then I’ll follow the gray flagstone,
To the monument for heroes who sacrificed to save my home.
The trees hold the hopes and prayers of all its daughters and its sons,
And I like to hear them whisper before I have to move along.

When the time comes for me to go, I’m gonna lie down in the shade,
And I’ll dream about the roundabout and the difference it made.
Through all the trials of my life, it always helped me to abide,
And it taught me to keep moving, ‘til I reach the other side.

There’s a roundabout in my home town; it’s a perfect place to start,
And no matter where I’m going, I feel it moving in my heart.
It was there in the beginning; and though I’ll never see the end,
I love how the boundless spirit keeps on moving ‘round the bend.
In the heart of town, there’s a roundabout…


By: Mother HyPonja and Howard Finster
Photo by: Abbie Reece Cagle

Howard, when I try to see through your mirror,
My head starts to spin and my fingers go slack,
For I see all my sharp edges, fathomless shades,
And dark-cornered visions looking back.
It’s like trying to figure out how many angels can sit on the head of a pin,
Or why God split the waters, to let the sunshine come flooding in;
And when I try to imagine the things you must have heard,
I hear cherubim singing, in the sweet language of Bird.
Yet in the self-portraiture of your life, I also see the fissure and sorrow,
Of a prolific pilgrim, making tracks for tomorrow;
And though I don’t understand so much of your preservation,
I will always ponder you, without reservation.
Then, I imagine the master, lifting the mold from your face,
And blowing on your eyelids to touch them with grace,
As the vision of a child and a mother are implanted with a gentle hand,
Beneath the vivid shadow of a cross, as it plays across the sand.
Then, you, using every simple symbol of plain, earthly proof,
Hold your mirror to the sky to reflect the holy love of truth.
So, yea though I swoon, and my mind goes slack,
I will follow you, Finster and never look back!


As the Sun Removes the Dew
By: Ed Cahill

You will probably forget me, but I will always remember you,
As you stood on the bridge, casting glances as the sun removed the morning dew;
For your longing eyes hooked a piece of my heart, as the heat beat against my brow,
And sure as the clouds above our heads, I know we’ll meet again somewhere, somehow.
For even now as you turn away, I feel the gentle tugging of a bright, silver line,
As leaves, glowing like golden angels, are raising their holy anthem of shine;
And perhaps, though you may not remember me, in the way I will remember you,
One day you will come again to the bridge, as the sun is removing the morning dew.
Then, suddenly you will turn and search the lake, wind, and sky,
And then, strangers no more, we will see eye to eye.


The Light Wins the Day
By: Mother HyPonja

Painted by: Ed Cahill

Where the light is dappled, the battle of day and night can seem so near,
For the line drawn between gold and black makes the vanguard stark, startling, and clear.
Yet, just as all is almost lost to the over-powering emptiness of the shadow,

I am captured by the sunshine, conquering the higher meadow;
And then a little, plain patch of baby blue, makes me prisoner of the sky,
As the light wins the day and teaches my heart to fly.

Photo by: Melinda Hadden

We see from here, they see from there;
Our eyes meet in the middle of the air.
Then, we have a celebration and all is clear,
And just in the moment, we hold each other near.
For like Noah and his friends, sailing on the ark,
We trust in the promise of the day's holy heart.
O, what a glorious blessing to feel so near,
And just for a moment, to see so clear.

Evening Sky
By: Mother HyPonja

Photo by: Sherry Smith Walker

I love the way the evening sky,
Overtakes my heart with a loving sigh,
As it lifts me like a bird, winging to my nest,
And I fly in peace and happiness,
Imagining the way angels have flown,
Until I reach the gates of heaven’s home.
Then, dissolving into the golden air,
I dream in beauty, pure and fair.


By: Mother HyPonja
Photo by: Abbie Reece Cagle

I could not help myself! When I saw you, I entered into the holiest place,
And I wanted to take you from the sky as you are, forever full of magnificent grace.
Yet as I reached to keep you, you were turning and smiled so lovingly on my face,
I let go of my hold on the world and felt myself slip away with you in space.
There, my soul lives with you in eternity, though it last but a single day,
And I know, even in my darkest hour, we will shine, come what may.

Oh, I will cherish you where you are, high in the sky of boundless space,
And let you keep the heart of me, safe and sound in the holiest place.


At Last
By: Noah Harris
Painted by: Steve Penley

Faraway places pull at my mind,
Whispering softly, "Make much of time,"
Reminding me, while they will last,
My life too soon is a thing of the past.

Like the leaves living on a solemn oak tree,
The oak will remain, but the green is set free.
Each second that passes is one less to spend;
The clock will keep ticking long past my end.

Like a tumbleweed, I’ll ride on the wind.
With life and death, I’ll never contend.
I’ll pull up my roots, with no word walk away -
Die I shall… but not in this place and not on this day.


Noah’s Mountainland
Performed by: Bandy Fuller

In the dark before dawn, stars are sparkling so bright,
Rose is blessing the clouds with warm, wonderful light.
The swelling of the breeze in the ocean of sky,
Softly whispers love messages sweet as a sigh.

Mountainland, O Mountainland,
Wherever I may roam,
Mountainland, O Mountainland,
Bring my heart home.

The warm dew on the grass like diamonds to my soul,
The smell of the good earth makes a hard heart feel whole.
The butterflies and bees make the happiest of friends,
There’s space for everyone, in green mountainland.

Mountainland, O Mountainland,
Wherever I may roam,
Mountainland, O Mountainland,
Bring my heart home.

I was planning to live and to die on the land,
Until the day I was called to reach out my hand.
Came to a city in the middle of the night,
It was so dark and dusty, I couldn’t see the light.

But I turned to the right though everything seemed wrong,
And I saw a lot of lost souls, traveling alone;
So, I’m praying to God, we can walk hand in hand,
Strangers come together, in sweet mountain land.

Mountainland, O Mountainland,
Wherever I may roam,
Mountainland, O Mountainland,
Bring my heart home.

We’re strangers in a dark land,
Wherever we may roam
Mountainland,  O Mountainland,
Bring our hearts home.

Mountainland, O Mountainland, please
Bring our hearts home.


I Love a Mystery
By: Abbie’s Mama, Mother HyPonja, and Robert Frost
Photo by: Abbie Reece Cagle

Whose bluebells are these? I think I know!
Her home is in the meadow, though.
Yet happy am I she left them here,
To give me a message, bright and clear….

Dear Child,
My story is life,
My author, light.
My tone is clear,
And the mood is bright;
And though I too am a little child,
Powerless and truly wild,
In the spirit of joy, I will come,
As open flower to the sun;
For as the day teaches me to give,
I surrender to life and simply live.
Then, with pure sweetness, more than enough,
Openly, I declare the theme of love,
That all may receive their fair share,
The mystery unraveling in the air.
Then, bowing their heads, become like me,
As a newborn child, wild and free.


Meditation on a Flower
By: Mother HyPonja
Paint by: Ed Cahill

The water runs deep, and quiet within.
The light reflects the where to begin,
To enter the secret portal of power,
And give your heart to a single flower.
Then, to breathe the essence of its holy bell,
As it pours its tears into the garden’s well;
And though the day fades and the night comes,
To slumber in beauty with the sun,
To live forever in the place within,
Where love reflects the where to begin.

True Love Covers All
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Photo by: Abbie Reece Cagle
Afterword by: Papa Thunder

“Fear not,” the snow angel whispers into the frothy air,
“For I will magnify your life and make you e’en more fair;
And in the center of your soul where true beauty resides,
I will transform your longing heart into a chalice for the light.
Then, the Lord of All will see you and chose you for a bride;
And your marriage will turn the day from somber gray to pearly white;
Then, though you must surrender, like a flower to the winter air,
Love will magnify your life and make you e’en more fair.”


By: Mother HyPonja

Life is truly, so infinitely small;
Hardly even noticeable at all.
Yet in the blue of a morning glory,
The purest white fire tells the story,
Of how and why a simple rainbow’s light,
Will push back the shades of the darkest night;
As one eye, one heart, and one little sun,
Will rise and shine for everyone.


The Alchemy of Forever
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Painted by: Ed Cahill
Afterword by: Papa Thunder

I’ll stand alone at the edge of the yard,
Where the heat is relentless and the light is hard.
Yet, I will capture gold and turn it into blue sky,
To reflect the soul of my true lover’s eye;
And the glances of steamy ardor we exchange,
Will leave us breathless, and our hearts so inflamed,
The whole blooming world will simply fade away,
And we will love forever today.


Flowers on the Summit!
Photo by: Stormey Marie Rash

The best moments of life, truly are free!
‘Course, you might have to climb a little bit to see,
The holy sun itself, sharing the shining story,
And lighting up the sky with bright, golden glory.
But, wherever you are, rise up now and go!
Climb the mountain in your heart, ‘til you feel a warm glow;
Then, let it fill you up, so you’re brimming to the top;
Keep on reaching for the summit and never ever stop!


What is Love?
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood

Photo by: Sherry Smith Walker
Afterword by: Papa Thunder

Look inside my petals and receive your sight,
Savor the essence of sweetness and light.
Inhale my perfume again and again,
Stay awhile with me, listening to the wind.
Let it renew your whole body, and open your heart,
Let it soften the places that once were so hard.
Let go of what you were and become what you are,
A new born flower, with the soul of a star.


By: Mother HyPonja
Photo by: Abbie Reece Cagle

Small as a dancer’s shoe,
Humble as a flower too,
I see the light in you,
Big as the sky of blue.


We’ve Come So Far Together
Performed by: Kathi and Anna Kate Hill
Painted by: Norman Rockwell

O we've come so far together, there’s farther still to go.
It’s a long way to forever, on an old, winding road.
But up ahead in the distance, there’s a still point of light,
And we can prob’ly make it there before the fall of night.

O we’ve come so far together, and there’s farther still to go,
It’s a long, long way to glory, on freedom’s winding road.

And I could get there by myself, but I’d rather go with you,
Leave our diff’rences behind us, arm in arm, and two by two,
Then we’ll comfort each other, maybe laugh a little too,
Share our hearts to pass the miles and we’ll keep on pushing through.

We’ll put one foot before the other, as long as our eyes can see,
And if you get lost, I’ll find you, and you’ll do the same for me.
Then, someday maybe we’ll get there, just before the fall of night,
And we’ll cross over together, and step into the light.

O we’ve come so far together, and there’s farther still to go,
It’s a long, long way to glory, on freedom’s winding road.
And I could get there by myself, but I’d rather go with you,
Leave our diff’rences behind us, and we’ll keep on pushing through.
Oh we’ve come so far together, let’s keep on pushing through.


Spring Barn: Papa’s Barn
By: Mother HyPonja
Painted by: Camille

Raised in a green, grassy clearing,
surrounded by a meadow of light,

The old barn is casting a tall shadow,
nearly as dark as the night,

Making my memories swirl and sparkle,
just like a million brilliant stars,

And even when it goes like Papa,
it will live forever in my heart.


Georgia Roadside: Of Thee I Swan
Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Painted by: Camille

I swan I love country roads, and in fact, I love dust.
The dear smell of the open earth is something I trust.
When I’m plowing along through a deep tunnel of green,
I dream of sweet peppers, tomatoes, and Silver Queen.
O, say there, can you hear me as I’m rumbling along,
With all my engines humming, my alma mater song.

Hidden Creek
By: Mother HyPonja
Painted by: Camille

It was born in the far off sigh of the wind.
It’s just a little trickle when it begins.
Gathering raindrops and pure sparkles of dew,
It shares the glory of the great sky of blue.
As I walk by its side, I’m traveling too,
Listening to the ocean as I’m passing through;
And it tells me I’ll find the place to begin,
When I offer my heart to the sigh of the wind.


To a Holy Place

Overheard by: Honey Wildywood
Photo by: Patti-n-John Jugenheimer
Afterword by: Papa Thunder

When we decided to take the long way home, we didn’t think about the stairs,
Rather we dreamed about the sensation of the fresh, fragrant airs,
For body, heart and soul, we were longing to breathe in the open space,
And let the pilgrim spirit lead us to the bright fountain of holy grace.
So, up the mountain we go and then back down beside the sea,
And every step we take makes our hearts more wild and free,
For as we breathe in the heavenly nature of the fresh, fragrant airs,
We are reminded the spirit surrounds us, to lift us up the stairs.


By: Patti-n-John

We’ve heard about the world, but we’re still walking, because that’s what we do,
And we have the saints with us and some great cooks and vintners too.
All of us are offering, that which we do the very best,
And through the good work of our hearts, therein our souls are blessed.
For we feast upon the joy and the simple pleasures to be found,
Gathering friends like windfall apples, ripening on the ground;
And we love the wild, field flowers, and the diamonds in the grass,
Shining beside the little trail, winding through the pass.
Step by step, arm in arm, strolling along and climbing too,
We walk together for the world, for this is what pilgrims do.


Steady On!
By: Patti
Photographed by: Patti

This morning when we started, everything was just so right,
I watched as you walked away until you disappeared into the light;
My heart was brimming with joy, for your footsteps were steady, sure, and strong,
And when I could no longer see you, I knew you were climbing on.
I didn’t know then, I would forever hold that moment in my mind,
And that you were using your life to give me a clear, brilliant sign;
But now I’m finally at the base camp, starting the approach to the mountain top,
I realize I’ve been following you, and now is no time to stop.
For the light you see is before me too, and it makes me feel so sure and strong,
I’m going to keep on seeking, and climbing steadily on,
Watching the sky for the moment, when everything is just exactly right,
And then I’ll round the bend and see you, standing in the light.

Sweet Heavenly Rest
By: Jan Kornegay Dappen

Safely moored to the shore, as the earth slowly pulls away from the light,
A little vessel is sailing into the dreamy infinity of the night,
Riding high upon the glowing mirror of the becalmed sea and sky,
Prow pointed to the harbor; it is a balm to my searching eye.
For as the sea’s murmur fills my hollow hold with oceanic sighs,
I vow to return before morning and be as a little ship at sunrise.
Then, I will loosen all my knots, turn-about, and be safely moored no more,
As I sail away into the light, reflecting on the distant shore.


Good Night Song
Performed by: Anna Kate and Kathi Hill

Hooin’ owl says, “Good Night,
Happy dreams, angels bright.”
Grace whispering so fine,
In the still, fading shine.
Lullaby in the pines,
Holy breath on the vines,
Deep mountain slumbering,
So sweet and comforting.

On a green mountain ridge, by a li’l, singing stream,
The last song of daylight’s casting sparkles and gleams.
In the gold-glowing dusk, sweet memories will fly,
And a little soul be carried away on a sigh.

Hooin’ owl says, “Good Night,
Happy dreams, angels bright.”
Grace whisperin’ so fine,
In the still, fading shine.
Lullaby in the pines,
Holy breath on the vines,
Deep mountain slumbering,
So sweet and comforting.

There’s a choir of tree frogs, to lighten your heart.
Stars sparkle like fireflies in the wide open parts.
The spirit’s as hi-igh as a katydid saw,
Floating up to heaven in pure, natural awe.

Hooin’ owl says, “Good Night,
Happy dreams, angels bright.”
Grace whisperin’ so fine,
In the still, fading shine.
Lullaby in the Pines,
Holy breath on the vines,
Deep mountain slumbering,
So sweet and comforting.
Deep mountain slumbering,
So sweet and comforting.